
Priya Shah

Priya Shah 30 year Matrimonial Service Journey...


Today I complete 30 years in the field of matchmaking! The years have flown by so fast that today when I sit back and ponder, I realize what a beautiful journey it’s been! I want to take this chance to thank my worldwide family for believing in me and finding love. I have had an excellent roster of elite and absolute crème de la crème of Indian and International clients. I have been matchmaking for the top Business and Bollywood families of India for the past 30 years!

Forbes Magazine has been gracious enough to feature me in their pages also a few times for my groundbreaking work in the line of matchmaking.

Let me tell you a little about why I stand out from the rest in the same field of work. For me, matchmaking is not just a business; it’s my life’s passion. I live for the moment when I am the reason for two souls perfect for each other meet and decide to build a life together. For me I believe the minute a new client comes on board, they are not just a client anymore, and they become family. Then there is only one goal and aim left for me, i.e. to work supremely hard towards finding the best, most compatible two people and bringing them together to form a beautiful union. Nothing brings me more happiness and satisfaction! For every match I’ve made a new family has been added to my life, now i have so many beautiful families all over the globe who till date remain a part of my life.

I am adamant on being very open and honest in my relationship with my clients, I don’t just share profiles and photos, and wrap it up, but I research and deep dive into every family and prospect girl or boy and give you the best and most in-depth and honest reports on the families and said match. I personally talk and meet with each client and keep in constant touch with the boy or girl and their families to understand their very nature and culture, based on which I can give you the correct information and narrative about the Match. Because marriage is not an easy life decision and finding the perfect partner is a lifetime decision which I believe should be done with a lot of care and attention.

I consider every single profile very important and close to my heart because I know my clients personally and make sure to build a relationship with them before forwarding their details to anyone. So when the time comes I can honestly make a decision about who would be the perfect match for my clients. I have god’s gift of excellent intuition! So Far ,thankfully , I have rarely gone wrong about the compatibility of two families, not just the boy and girl, because I strongly feel marriage is a union between two families not just a boy and a girl. That’s probably the reason for my success and almost perfect record in matchmaking!

I believe I am not in the business of matchmaking; I am in the business of finding true love. This is to another 30 years in the service of love!

Lots of love and positive energy to everyone!


The marriages of India

The Marriages of India

A complete knowledge about marriage for new generation. A wedding magazine written and published by Dr. Priya Shah The Match Maker.

Priya shah's biography

Priya Shah's Biography

Dr. Priya Shah - M.A. & Ph.D. in Marriage Consultancy (U.S.A.) providing award winning matrimony service in India and Abroad.

